Sunday, March 16, 2025

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

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WEEK OF February 24 – March 2, 2025

Birds of a feather are definitely sticking together this Thursday, February 27, as the year’s only Pisces new moon breathes new life into partnerships. The compassionate, sensitive energy of this fresh-start lunation can make a certain connection feel magical all over again. Don’t be too surprised if you’re reading each other’s minds and finishing each other’s sentences! Lead with your heart and be quick to forgive. Single or in a new situationship? Over the coming two weeks, you’ll get clear confirmation about whether this person has keeper potential or not. If things have been steadily progressing for a while, you might be ready to formalize your relationship with a title, a ring or some ink on a contract. Whether in love or business, if you are clear there’s “dynamic duo” potential, put an offer on the table and let the negotiations commence. ANY relationship that begins this week could bring satisfying results by the Pisces full moon (also a lunar eclipse) this September 7.

As a clear and articulate Virgo, you get flummoxed by foggy communication. So consider yourself warned! Starting this Saturday, vixen Venus turns retrograde until April 12 in Aries and your eighth house of intimate encounters until March 27. Then the amorous planet will back-flip into Pisces and your partnership house, wrapping up its reversal there on April 12 before returning to Aries and your zone d’erotica on the last day of the month.

This U-turn might scramble seductive signals or cause friction in other types of relationships. As counterintuitive as this may sound, if you want to restore—or deepen—intimacy, you’re going to have to open up that chamber of secrets and get vulnerable. For the rare Virgo who raced into a union without weighing practical considerations (e.g., future plans, interest in starting a family), this pivot can provide a chance to pump the brakes. Even if you discover that the two of you are on very different pages, it doesn’t mean that a creative compromise is out of the question. That’s up to the two of you alone, so while Venus treks back through this intimate retrograde, limit outside feedback to only a few trusted advisors who will mirror YOU back to yourself instead of injecting their values and opinions into the process. FWIW, you might have to pay for that kind of objective advice from therapists or coaches. It’s a sound investment now!

Another thing this Venus retrograde could highlight: If you’ve been hiding something important that you’re afraid to share, the love planet will support serious soul-baring. If you’re meant to be together with someone, your truth will have to come out eventually—well, if you plan on ever experiencing the full magic of feeling loved unconditionally. You might as well unburden yourself now. How people react can tell you a lot, but how you present the information also matters. Make sure to open talks when you’re both feeling relaxed and connected.

On the other side of the coin, it might be your “other half” who has the deep, dark secret to share. There’s no need to interrogate them like an FBI agent, especially if you can create a safe space for real talk. Know what you want to ask and then gently raise your questions without expecting a “right answer.” The best way to handle hearing things that might upset you is to stay focused on everything you adore about this person, NOT their all-too-human imperfections.

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