Saturday, March 15, 2025

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

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MONTH OF December

How solid is your foundation, Bull? You may want to run a few stress tests this December to ensure you’re standing on the terra firma that every Taurus needs. With a rare double-header of new moons starting and ending the month on December 1 and 30, you also want to shake up any stale aspects of your life. But no need to throw yourself into a tailspin, especially since Mercury and Mars will both be retrograde this month. 

The prescription to close out 2024? Make changes, but do so strategically. You might have to dig a little deeper to hit that vein of gold—whether you’re searching for funding partners or a soulmate. Huddle up with the most emotionally intelligent people you know. These retrogrades could spin up a host of complex feelings, some passionate and sexy ones, too! 

Forward momentum returns once Mercury corrects course on December 15, right as the year’s final full moon beams into your money sector, unlocking a potential treasure trove of economic opportunities. If you got your books in order early in the month, the table is set for “mergers and acquisitions” talks, both for your work life and your personal affairs.

On Christmas Eve, don’t invite every red-nosed joker on the block to join your reindeer games. A clash between magnanimous Jupiter and reserved Saturn advises you to celebrate with people who share your values (and if you have a politically divided family, maybe your voting preferences?). New Year’s Eve is equally dynamic, as feisty Mars faces off against devious Pluto, riling up tensions in your family and career sectors. Whether you’re at a black-tie gala or partying at home, set some limits for yourself about how much you’ll drink and who you will (and won’t) ride home with. 

When in doubt, do what Bulls do best: Affix your nose to the grindstone and get things done. As it stands, the first three weeks of December will be more hardworking than holly-jolly. While everyone’s out decking the halls, you’re fixated on an end-of-year goal, one that may require some midnight oil to pull off. 

Sagittarius season, plus a new moon, intensify your desires until December 21

Fortunately, the Sagittarius Sun is streaming into your private (and frankly, obsessive) eighth house until December 21, helping you focus like a laser beam on your intended outcome. Try not to miss every fete though, Taurus, because this potent solar cycle makes you a magnet for magnates. The future investor for your startup—or even your future monogrammed towelmate—could be sipping a dirty martini at the open bar, the one at that holiday party you almost skipped.

Has one special person captivated your fancy? While the Sun is heating up your eighth house of intimacy, sex and shared resources, you could focus on building this bond, in and out of the bedroom. Maybe it’s a project that’s got your full attention. Dive deep into finishing it before the holidays or do some year-end emotional contemplation. 

Is it time to make it official? Early this month, the stars serve up a new chapter around your intimate connections. Your investments—financial, emotional or both—come under the microscope when the December 1 Sagittarius new moon rides in. Opportunities to build wealth or join forces with a power player are likely to pop up. A relationship (either business or personal) could also move into permanent terrain. You could make an important investment, acquire property or even hear news of a windfall that involves a joint venture, a payout or an inheritance. 

Mercury will be retrograde in Sagittarius until December 15

Don’t be so quick to go “all in” with a commitment or investment, however. Communication planet Mercury continues its retrograde in Sagittarius until the 15th. This signal-scrambling cycle, which began on November 25, can disrupt technology, schedules and travel. Not exactly the holiday cheer any of us need! 

With Mercury rogue in your eighth house of secrets, sensitive information could leak out. Strengthen your passwords and guard against identity theft. Hold off on inking any deals if you can wait. And please, if someone confides in you, resist the urge to spill their confidences. Private intel can slip out more easily now.

A tempting person from your past could also surface, perhaps a clandestine attraction. Think twice before you go there, Taurus. This could get way more complicated than you expect. Have they really changed? Do they have other entanglements—or do you? A “just this once” transgression could haunt you. Better NOT to tempt fate, even if the seduction is nearly impossible to resist!

Impulsive Mars will also be retrograde, starting December 6

Another reason to think twice? Mars begins its biennial retrograde backspin, reversing its commute through passionate Leo until January 6 before moving back into sensitive Cancer until February 23. Home has been a heat zone since November 3, when activator Mars first blazed into Leo and your domestic fourth house. For some Bulls, there’s been friction under your roof or within your inner circles over the last month—and no surprise, given the recent state of the union.

From December 6 to February 23, Mars will decelerate in low-power retrograde, which could either crank up the crankiness or prompt you to make important household changes you’ve been putting off. A deep clean and declutter is always a good idea, and with cooler temperatures around the corner, you’d be wise to create zones in your living quarters where everyone can be productive and also de-stress. It could take some real innovation (and maybe a few HGTV binges) to carve up the space properly. If you live alone, make sure you also delineate zones for both work and relaxation.

Neptune wakes up from its backspin on December 7, clearing up group dynamics

If you’ve been at odds with your squad, that will turn around by the second week of the month. This December 7, hazy Neptune ends a five-month retrograde in your team and technology house, clearing out the bad apples and helping you be more assertive in all group endeavors. 

Since July 2, Neptune’s backspin has been revealing the unreliable members of Team Taurus. You know they’re bringing everyone down, but you still felt guilty cutting them loose. Good news: Not only will group dynamics improve, but some of those flaky and unreliable people could actually start to come through again. 

Those that don’t? You’ll feel more confident showing them the door. If an important friendship drifted off or you just haven’t had time for each other, reach out and reconnect. A holiday reunion could be just the soul-soother you need!

The final full moon of 2024 is in Gemini, your money-earning second house

Money’s on your mind this December 15, when the full moon in Gemini beams into your second house of security and self-worth. The final full moon of 2024 could deliver a confidence boost paired with some real-world victories: a year-end bonus, record holiday sales or talk of a promotion in 2025. Perhaps you’ll just have an epiphany about the path you want to pursue professionally—and a nod from the universe that you should keep on going. And since Mercury ends its retrograde also on December 15, you can confidently move forward.

Need more encouragement? With transformational Pluto now firmly hunkered in Aquarius and your tenth house of career until 2044, “signs” could pop up that make it crystal-clear when you’re on target and where you’re drifting. Have you been struggling to find your footing in your industry or workplace? Brighter days are ahead, even if they arrive wrapped in shadows. 

One Taurus we know was abruptly laid off by her company right as Pluto entered Aquarius on November 19. While it was shocking, and doubly upsetting right before the holidays, her job was “a ghost town…hanging on by a thread,” as she put it. We predict a much better fit emerging from Pluto’s vault—for her and, if this story sounds familiar, for you.

Jot down the lunar-inspired insights as they come to you, Taurus. But don’t just sit on them! Under the full moon, you could feel anxious about your finances, or equally pumped to collect some cash before the year closes out. Watch your spending, especially if you’re soothing stress with retail therapy. If you’re thinking of treating yourself or someone close to you with an extra-special gift, you could score a great deal with your savvy shopping skills mid-December.

The second house rules daily routines, so you may already start taking inventory of your habits and practices, and deciding which ones you’ll leave behind in 2024. Ready to ditch your dependence on that vaping pen or $10 lattes? Want to be more present with loved ones instead of staring at your screen? Little changes can add up to big lifestyle shifts. 

Capricorn season—and an optimistic outlook—arrive with the solstice on December 21

That expansive view really starts to open up a week after the full moon. On December 21, the Sun sails into Capricorn for a month, activating your sky’s-the-limit ninth house. Set your sights on those supersized goals and ideas for 2025 and beyond. If you get the slightest whiff that your holidays could be depressing or laden with hefty responsibilities, consider booking a ticket (or tickets) somewhere fun and fabulous instead of doing the traditional routine. 

Jupiter and Saturn play tug-of-war on Christmas Eve

Another reason you might want to ditch city limits? This Christmas Eve could deliver more than just a passel of packages under the tree. The stars serve up a challenging 90-degree square between expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn, a tense moment that feels like you’ve got one foot on the gas, one foot on the brake.

This dynamic mashup can potentially redirect your plans. Where in your life have certain structures become outmoded? And, on the flip side, where might you need to bring order to chaos? While these are important topics to ponder as a year closes out, Christmas Eve probably wouldn’t be your first-choice date. Sigh… That’s how it goes under these stars sometimes. 

This is the second of three Jupiter-Saturn squares, a trilogy spanning almost a year. The first one coincided with the Aquarius full moon on August 19, 2024, and the next one will be on June 15, 2025. You’ve felt the impact around work, money, friendship and collaboration. 

Just like in August, Jupiter is in Gemini and your finance zone, and Saturn is in Pisces and your group activity zone at this December 24 square. As cautious Saturn and ebullient Jupiter once again cross paths, you’re reminded to keep blazing trails and shaking things up, but also to stay humble and hardworking. Squares demand a balancing act. 

How to strike that delicate compromise? Adventurous Jupiter wants you to take a risk on the work and finance front. But prudent Saturn will sound the call for measured steps backed by solid testing and planning. Jupiter is confident and innovative while timeless Saturn reminds you not to get a case of shiny object syndrome or lose sight of the value of a strong work ethic and integrity in your pursuit of novelty. With the right people by your side, abundant Jupiter has offered new paths to prosperity this year—and has just as readily revealed the downside of working with the wrong crew. 

Adding even more weight to your relationships: Christmas 2024 will feature a pensive Scorpio moon in your partnership zone. It’s a good time to evaluate the projects, plans and players in your life—and to mentally craft the “who’s who” of your Taurus herd for 2025. One particular alliance could be heavy on your mind today.

The Capricorn new, black moon sets personal growth in motion
The December 30 Capricorn black new moon could spark a big idea that floods you with inspiration. Why wait until January to get started on those resolutions? Focusing on something larger than day-to-day concerns is a good idea for you, Taurus, especially if you’ve been brooding a lot lately (we understand, it’s been intense since the fall!).

This new moon provides an opportunity to set intentions for personal growth, explore new horizons and expand your worldview. Challenge your beliefs, which can become entrenched, and you can benefit from a periodic shakeup. Stability is important, but you don’t want to get stagnant. Where could you take a risk or make a change in the coming months? 

Mars faces off with Pluto, intensifying your New Year’s Eve

Warning: You won’t go gently into 2025 this December 31. New Year’s Eve presents high potential for intensity as Mars, retrograde in Leo and your domestic fourth house, opposes Pluto in Aquarius and your public affairs sector. This stressful dynamic can trigger power struggles within your family or between your personal and professional agendas. You might feel pulled between your responsibilities at home and your ambitions in the outside world. 

Mars and Pluto are both volatile and combative, planets that use force and will to incite change. Power struggles can erupt under this aspect. Take extra care to avoid unnecessary drama by prioritizing open communication with loved ones, and seeking a compromise that honors both your needs and the needs of your family. (We know: easier said than done!)

Remember, tomorrow’s a new day—and a new year. We put so much pressure on the holiday season, and this year’s comes with enough built-in stress of its own. If you’re part of a family that’s been divided by the U.S. election or other global affairs that have polarized so many people, you might be best off curating the company you keep as the calendar turns.

Head or heart? You could be pulled between dueling desires this month, as the love planets, Venus and Mars, literally visit opposite signs starting December 7. After spending the first week of December in Capricorn and your adventurous ninth house, Venus settles into Aquarius and your future-focused tenth house for the rest of 2024. 

Across the zodiac wheel, hot-to-go Mars is anchored in Leo and your fourth house of emotional security for the rest of 2024. Home is usually where the heart is, but with Mars turning retrograde from December 6 to February 23, your feelings could fluctuate wildly. 

Emotional regulation may be challenging in moments when you feel your passions are not being returned—or your stability is threatened in love. This is a test (we repeat: this is a test) from the universe. Centering activities like yoga, healthy eating and time with friends could be imperative to keep your cool and stay grounded.

With Venus moving into Aquarius and your ambitious tenth house on December 7, the day after Mars turns retrograde, your superpower this month is seeing the long-range possibilities of any relationship. Wield it with care though, Bull. Your Achilles heel is falling in love with people’s potential, especially since you find it so deeply satisfying to play some kind of provider role, molding and shaping raw materials into your desired outcome. Alas, people won’t be quite so amenable to bending to your will, Taurus, no matter how beautifully you set the table for them. 

Even if you have a partner or prospect that’s a great match for you, family and close friends may still question your choices this month. Listen to their concerns but don’t ignore the wisdom of your own heart. The person you need to focus on pleasing the most is yourself!

Trusting your own choices may prove tricky in the first half of the month. Trickster Mercury continues its retrograde through assumptive Sagittarius until December 15, stirring up confusion and potentially bringing an ex back into the picture—or at least, into your thoughts. A secret could be revealed, or you might start to question whether you can truly trust this person. 

A potentially dicey date to flag is December 12, when love planets Venus and Mars exactly oppose each other, bringing tensions to a head. Feelings you’ve kept inside could erupt in a strong outpouring, and with Mars retrograde, there could be a long list of resentments that even you didn’t realize were there. Watch out for the Venus-Uranus square on December 28 as well, when the love planet’s push to make things official suddenly feels suffocating to liberated Uranus in Taurus. 

Looking to upgrade your couple goals? The Capricorn new moon beams down into your expansive ninth house on December 30, inspiring you to take more risks in love or to branch out, opening your mind to a new type, or if you’re in a LTR, to fresh adventures. 

Arguably the best day for partnership this month arrives December 19, when Venus and Jupiter, named the “benefics” for their positive and helpful influence, unite in a flowing trine. They’ll connect in the most secure parts of your chart (Venus in Aquarius and your goal-oriented tenth house, Jupiter in Gemini and your stabilizing second house). It’s a lovely moment to create an inspired and more certain future with a special someone—or to set clear 2025 relationship intentions.

December’s career plan demands equal parts hustle and heart. There’s no dodging the “boss Bull” role. When a powerful position calls your name, step into it. The trick is to make sure you rule with the right touch. Think of your December vibe as “the iron fist in the velvet glove.” 

The month kicks off with Venus strutting through Capricorn and your visionary ninth house until December 7, which gives you license to take a few calculated risks in the name of growth. Your focus could be on expansion: more money, new skills or professional development that could literally take you places, like, say, monthly travel to the Paris office. 

Still, don’t expect massive developments to come overnight. Mercury remains retrograde until the 15th, which could stall a few initiatives. Take your time with contract negotiations and review every line term and condition with a fine-tooth comb. 

Drop your apres-work professional gear off at the dry cleaner. On December 7, convivial Venus moves into Aquarius and your goal-getting tenth house, which could make you the belle of the holiday networking circuit. Sidle up to the RIGHT people (like say, upper management) and get your name on the most enviable guest lists that you can. Whether you’re aiming for a promotion or angling for greater visibility with clients, this is your time to shine. Venus blesses you with charm and charisma, which is a good thing. You could find yourself in an elevator (literally), fearlessly pitching a grandiose idea to someone who is keen to hear it.

But hang on before you plunk your life savings down on a promising lark. Eager beaver Mars, who’s been strutting through Leo and your fourth house of financial foundations since last month, turns retrograde on December 6. Having a cushion buffers you against any upcoming shortfalls. You know this, Taurus, but willpower will be weakened during this retrograde, which lasts until February 23. Surround yourself with supportive friends and don’t take too long to speak up when something’s bugging you. Otherwise, you could blow your budget on retail therapy splurges or eating your feelings in the form of dry-aged ribeyes and oysters on the half-shell. (And not even during happy hour!)

With Mars and Venus opposite each other this month, your work-life balance could get wonky.  Reassess your setup. Tensions could boil over for remote Tauruses—especially if family members or roommates are encroaching on your productivity, or your hostile takeover of the kitchen table has made family dinners a challenge. 

Is going into the office an option? Or maybe a coworking space you visit a couple times a week? Creating clear boundaries will be key: consider carving out a dedicated workspace or making a conscious effort to unplug outside of work hours (no phones allowed at dinner!). Do everything in your power to ensure your work stress isn’t leaking into your personal sanctuary. 

Ready to cash in on your efforts of 2024? A windfall could manifest near the December 15 Gemini full moon, as it beams into your second house of money and security. This final full moon of the year is like a cosmic gift under the tree—think year-end bonuses, record-breaking sales, or the kind of glowing feedback that sets the stage for a big 2025 promotion. Not seeing dollars yet? No worries! You could get a crystal-clear epiphany about your next career move, paired with a wink from the universe that you’re on the right track. Bonus: Mercury retrograde officially ends the same day, so you can move forward with confidence (and maybe a little celebratory espresso martini or mocktail to boot).

Just as you’re starting to feel a burst of momentum, the cosmos sprinkle in a little holiday tension. Christmas Eve (December 24) brings the second act of a cosmic trilogy as expansive Jupiter in your finance zone clashes with disciplined Saturn in your collaboration corner. This clash is a sequel to August 19, when the titans squared off during the Aquarius full moon. This ongoing story (which will wrap up June 15, 2025) has made it hard for you to chart a clear future around your work. For a sign that loves to plan, this is especially frustrating! 

Should you go all in on an exciting freelance project or keep things steady with a long-term gig? That decision is likely to weigh on your mind while the year winds down. Jupiter’s influence encourages you to take calculated risks and chase big-ticket opportunities. Meanwhile, Saturn demands a clear strategy and reminds you that not everyone in your crew might be along for the ride. Build on the foundations you’ve been laying since August and keep your integrity intact. By surrounding yourself with the right allies, you set the stage for long-term success—whether you collect a paycheck or one lump sum payout.

As the dust settles from the Jupiter-Saturn square-off, the Capricorn new moon on December 30 swoops into your optimistic ninth house providing a breath of fresh, goal-oriented air. Whether you’re envisioning a career pivot, plotting a major move, or enrolling in a course to level up your skills, la luna gives you the green light to explore beyond previously perceived limits. Travel might be involved to scope out new territory. Keep a wide-open mind, Taurus, and you could stumble upon something that feels made for you. 

Love Days: 21, 26

Money Days: 15, 5

Luck Days: 12, 30

Off Days: 10, 23, 1

See All Signs

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