Ghaziabad: The civic corporation has approved a Rs 377 crore budget for various infrastructure works across the city, including Rs 50 crore each for the development of roads and drains. The corporation will also spend Rs 185 crore under various heads in Indirapuram from the funds it has received from GDA as part of a handover deal.
It also plans to introduce a water Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system — a process to monitor and control water infrastructure in real time—for the first time this year.
The allocations were drawn up by the corporation last week after they were approved by a committee headed by the municipal commissioner and mayor. Under it, the GMC also plans to spend Rs 25 crore on sewer lines, Rs 20 crore on revamping water infrastructure, Rs 11 crore on parks and green zones and Rs 14 crore on streetlights and sanitation. The remaining Rs 207 crore is to be spent on carrying out works under other heads.
“The civic body received Rs 106 crore under the 15th Finance Commission and another Rs 71 crore from the central govt for improving its air quality. Under AMRUT, it received Rs 15 crore. These are all important revenue sources and will be used for development of the city,” an official said.
The corporation also plans to roll out a water SCADA system. “Under it, water supply, consumption and pipeline loss data will be collected using sensors and other devices, analysed, and used for optimising consumption and conservation,” the official added.
According to one estimate, the city requires 345 million litres per day (MLD) of water. However, if a 15% water loss due to reasons such as leakage and other factors is accounted for, then only 320 MLD of water is available. The new system will help GMC manage losses due to wastage and pipeline leakages better.
Rs 377-crore budget for infra work in Gzb, s 71 crore to fight bad air | Noida News – The Times of India