Tuesday, March 4, 2025

‘Pr0digy’ Dominating CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship Up $328,000 At Xmas Break

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The Cash Game World Championship at CoinPoker is pausing for the holiday break, with British player ‘Pr0digy’ at the top of the leaderboard for the second week running.

Nipping at his heels is ‘KevinPaque,’ the most active player in the event with close to 42,000 hands played, while the pre-event favorite ‘LLinusLL0ve’ is still in the mix with a healthy profit.

A Tale of Two Commentators

CoinPoker has been posting regular updates with pro commentary across their social media channels, and many viewers will be loving the success of ‘Pr0digy.’ The current CGWC leader has hopped on a few CoinPoker commentary videos on YouTube and run through hands, giving players a rare insight into how high-stakes cash game players think.

One of his many successful hands saw him pick up almost $29,000 with pocket queens in the big blind. Facing a raise of $250 from ‘Schyllae,’ ‘Pr0digy’ made it $1,400 and got a call.

The flop came J8Diamond Suit2Spade Suit and ‘Pr0digy’ bet around one-third pot, which ‘Schyllae’ called. The turn was 4Heart Suit and ‘Pr0digy’ went larger, betting $3,500. Call.

The 9Spade Suit river wasn’t especially scary given his own hand, and ‘Pr0digy’ moved all in for his last $8,200, getting a call from AHeart Suit8Heart Suit for a pair of eights.

But it’s a different story for his fellow commentator, ‘SeaLlama,’ who is down big at a loss of $182,000 overall. His hand analysis and insights have been a delight to listen to, but will need a pretty miraculous recovery just to break even – let alone finish anywhere near the top.

Aces Crack Aces

‘MunEZStaRR’ was in second place at the end of week two with $174,000 profit, but has now slipped to eighth with $65,000. One pot which didn’t help was when he ran aces into aces and managed to lose.

Sitting on the button on a $50-$100 table, ‘MunEZStaRR’ made it $225 before ‘DavyJones’ popped it up to $1,100 from the small blind. ‘MunEZStaRR’ re-raised to $3,300, and ‘DavyJones’ went for $6,600. It could have all gone in at this stage, but ‘MunEZStaRR’ elected to call with about $20,000 behind.

Aces Beat AcesThe flop came 7Spade SuitQSpade SuitKSpade Suit and ‘DavyJones’ led super small for $1,290, receiving a call.

The turn was the 5‘Pr0digy’ Dominating CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship Up 8,000 At Xmas Break and he again led out very small for $2,864. Again, it got a call.

The river was the 2Spade Suit and went check-check. ‘DavyJones’ was trying to trap. He flipped over ASpade SuitA‘Pr0digy’ Dominating CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship Up 8,000 At Xmas Break for the rivered nut flush and a $21,600 pot, with ‘MunEZStaRR’s’ ADiamond SuitAHeart Suit second best.

LLinusLL0ve Comeback Continues

Before the CGWC got going, many were tipping elite cash game player Linus ‘LLinusLL0ve’ Loeliger to win overall – and he very well might despite a rough start to the competition. One particularly juicy pot saw him pick up $54,000 against ‘MattMarinelli,’ who had a bad week and is currently stuck $140,000.

In three-handed play at $50-$100, ‘MattMarinelli’ made it $250 to go and only Loeliger came along with pocket deuces. The flop was perfect – ADiamond Suit10Heart Suit2‘Pr0digy’ Dominating CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship Up 8,000 At Xmas Break. Loeliger checked and ‘MattMarinelli’ went $300 for a half-pot bet. Loeliger overbet to $1,500 and received a call.

On the 7Diamond Suit turn, Loeliger again overbet, this time for $5,400 into $3,600. He got a call, then jammed all in on the 4Spade Suit river. It was a full $20,000 extra but ‘MattMarinelli’ made the call, flipping over AHeart Suit10Diamond Suit for top two. No good.

We mentioned that ‘KevinPaque’ has played the most hands of anybody in the CGWC, and that level of action can ensure you get paid off when you do have it. That’s exactly what happened when he opened for $275 on the button with A‘Pr0digy’ Dominating CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship Up 8,000 At Xmas Break4‘Pr0digy’ Dominating CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship Up 8,000 At Xmas Break. Sitting in the big blind was ‘riggedeck,’ currently third on the leaderboard, who made it $2,000 to go. ‘KevinPaque’ was happy to take a look.

The flop came J‘Pr0digy’ Dominating CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship Up 8,000 At Xmas Break5Diamond Suit5‘Pr0digy’ Dominating CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship Up 8,000 At Xmas Break, giving ‘KevinPaque’ the nut flush draw, but also opening the door to full house possibilities. This time, ‘riggedeck’ led out for $1,600 and ‘KevinPaque’ min-raised him back, perhaps hoping to buy a free card.

KevinPaque and riggedeck both river a flushThe action indeed slowed down on the 8Heart Suit turn, going check-check.

‘KevinPaque’ hit his flush on the 3‘Pr0digy’ Dominating CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship Up 8,000 At Xmas Break river and, when it was checked to him again, he overbet the $11,500 pot all in for ‘riggedeck’s’ remaining $15,100. He called, having rivered his own flush with 8‘Pr0digy’ Dominating CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship Up 8,000 At Xmas Break7‘Pr0digy’ Dominating CoinPoker Cash Game World Championship Up 8,000 At Xmas Break, and shipped the $41,800 pot to his opponent. A costly hand not just in terms of cash, but also leaderboard position.

Latest CGWC Leaderboard

Here’s how things stand going into the Christmas break.

Position Name Leaderboard Total Hands
1 PR0DIGY $328,602.89 27,061
2 KevinPaque $288,902.97 41,990
3 riggedeck $274,656.56 34,991
4 LLinusLL0ve $191,763.65 29,411
5 DaniilVasilev $148,675.55 10,776
6 AbsoluteTopUp $138,051.96 21,920
7 Schyllae $77,686.71 5,895
8 MunEZStaRR $65,448.40 21,435
9 asianflushie $55,729.59 17,513
10 KayhanMok $52,204.23 12,916
11 XIAOJUN7777777 $41,853.60 1,347
12 Stambolov $41,404.37 928
13 lolvoidaments $32,271.21 551
14 youseffahmed $30,937.71 478
15 DavyJones922 $26,541.77 11,370
16 DarrellGoh $18,411.18 3,498
17 PetrKnopp $12,608.79 10,443
18 ChrisNguyen $12,577.27 8,829
19 Ohhimark18 $4,679.36 2,698
20 TaistoJanter $1,518.75 130
21 AlexTrevallion ($1,409.65) 207
22 Freenachos ($12,093.47) 68
23 Doblou ($18,546.38) 1,619
24 asHagg ($22,198.99) 155
25 iWasOnly17 ($42,008.83) 28,978
26 JSchusteritsch ($55,204.35) 5,883
27 Stefan11122 ($71,295.81) 533
28 DKaladjurdjevic ($71,377.09) 12,760
29 NaoufelSmires ($77,165.61) 2,264
30 Brownballa55 ($78,832.16) 1,803
31 D13SEL ($88,609.51) 2,718
32 BeppeBergomi ($96,643.10) 14,714
33 JoeAdams ($111,092.10) 9,250
34 MattMarinelli ($140,939.85) 16,327
35 jasamgale ($144,247.88) 10,008
36 therock123 ($147,568.52) 3,503
37 SeaLlama ($182,173.45) 18,876
38 CD9K ($227,136.64) 12,583
39 TDuthweiler ($231,086.61) 8,362

How to Watch

The CGWC is currently on a break for Christmas, but will be returning soon. If you want to see more action, here’s how to find it:

If you’re new to CoinPoker, you’ll notice they play with Tether (USDT). This crypto stablecoin has the same value as USD. In other words, if you’re watching a ₮10,000 pot, it’s the same as a $10,000 pot.

Find out more about the Cash Game World Championship.




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