The second half of The Big Game on Tour by PokerStars is promising an exciting finish, as the last episode saw Lily Newhouse get completely back in the game. With two more sessions left on the docket, we’ll be in for a real treat, as action is guaranteed.
This is not to say that there was a lack of action during the last session. Once again, we saw a fair number of big pots, coolers, table banter, and everything else that makes a poker show fun to watch.
If you haven’t yet, make sure to check out the latest episode of The Big Game (below), and in the meantime, here is a sneak peek of a few of the biggest moments from last week’s session.
A Few Nice Pots for the Loose Cannon
Lily Newhouse hasn’t had much luck on The Big Game thus far, but her luck seems to finally be turning. She started the session winning a nice pot with top pair, bringing her stack back up to almost $40,000.
However, not long after, it was back to cooler city, as Newhouse got involved in a pot against her nemesis, Sam Grafton. Her AQ was no match for Grafton’s pocket aces, and when the flop brought a queen, it looked like the loose cannon was headed for a disaster.
To make things worse, the turn brought the case ace, but the action checked through, keeping the pot size reasonable.
The river brought a flush-completing card, with a straight already possible, so when Lily bet out for $5,500, Sam decided to play it safe and just call with a set of aces, and he was even pondering a fold. Newhouse was shell-shocked but also happy that she lost the absolute minimum in this hand.
Having escaped this cooler, the loose cannon proceeded to pick up a couple of smaller pots and wrapped things up with a nice AK hand, bringing her stack to $48,600 to end the session. So, she’s basically back to the starting point with about 60 hands still left to play.
Phil Laak That We Know and Love
Phil ‘the Unabomber’ Laak is one of those players who always brings a fun atmosphere to the table. It took him a couple of sessions to get comfortable this time around, but during the last episode, Phil Laak was fully on with his play and table talk.
The Unabomber was entertaining the other five players with his usual hard-to-follow chatter, and it certainly helped lighten the atmosphere, and get everyone in a good mood.
However, Phil was doing some talking with his chips as well. He got involved in a few pots, with mixed results, but by the time it was all said and done, he was in the hole with a deficit of over $81,000.
This did not influence his mood, however, so heading into the final third of The Big Game, we can expect more of Phil Laak’s trademark shenanigans as he tries to get back in black while confusing his opponents in every which way.
This could turn out quite well for the loose cannon, as Phil is certainly no stranger to trying some big bluffs, and if Lily can pick one of these off, she could finally get her stack over the starting mark and heading in the right direction!