Sunday, February 23, 2025

Men ‘borrowing’ free time from women is driving the gender exercise gap

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Finding time to exercise can be hard, and the research shows that’s especially true for mums.  

“When you ask people ‘why don’t you do more physical activity’, the most common reason is they don’t have enough time,” says Lyndall Strazdins from Australian National University.

“Half of the world are insufficiently active, and within that group there is the consistent gender gap which widens over time.”

That gap is particularly profound in heterosexual couples with kids, Professor Strazdins’ research published in 2022 found.

The researchers looked at data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey, focusing on the effects of both paid work and unpaid caring and domestic responsibilities on physical activity.

It shows as family demands increase, women’s physical activity becomes more limited, but the same doesn’t happen for men.

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