Thursday, October 17, 2024

Libra Monthly Horoscope

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MONTH OF October

Ready for a cosmic upgrade, Libra? October is game-changing, and it all begins with an annular solar eclipse in YOUR sign on October 2, the second in a two-part series that kicked off on September 17. This “ring of fire” eclipse launches your personal new year, empowering you to prioritize and set the tone for the year ahead. 

With abundant Jupiter beginning its retrograde in Gemini and your expansive ninth house on October 9, you’re in reflection and reassessment mode—especially around your major life goals. Have you been rushing through grand plans without thinking them through? Now’s the moment to slow down, refine your vision (not that you needed us to stoke your perfectionist flame) and make sure your next steps align with your long-term ambitions.

The cosmic shifts keep coming as Pluto ends its five-month retrograde on October 11, moving forward in wise Capricorn and your fourth house of home and family. Since September 1, Pluto has been stirring up deep emotional work around your upbringing and parental influence. As Pluto resumes direct motion, you’ll gain clarity around any lingering family dynamics or home-related projects that have been on hold. 

With the Sun parading through Libra until October 22, this is your moment to shine! Libra season encourages you to focus on personal development and refine your image. As temperatures cool, it’s time to switch out your summer linen staples for a more fall-forward trend like long skirts and relaxed layers. Boho is back, so give it a whirl, Libra! If you’ve been thinking about a fresh new cut instead of your usual trim, this is the moment to try a new ‘do.

ELLE Editors’ October Prime Day Picks

Got a milestone you’d like to hit by year-end? The daily ten thousand step challenge totally counts! The October 2 annular solar (new moon) eclipse in Libra brings a powerful surge of energy that can jump-start any personal transformation. Eclipses bring surprises, so be open to the unexpected. A sudden opportunity or realization could spark a major shift in your life. Start a new project or throw your name in the ring for a big opportunity.

This eclipse is further amplified by a rare alignment of six celestial placements (the Sun, moon, Mercury, Jupiter, the karmic south node and Black Moon Lilith) all in Libra. It will be impossible NOT to speak up and share your truth with so much energy in your assertive first house today. 

Since your words carry extra weight, use them to advance a personal goal! Slide into an influencer’s DM for a creative collaboration or boldly share your ideas on your own social media platform. This eclipse offers an extra dose of intensity and courage as Black Moon Lilith is conjunct the Sun and moon, bringing up unresolved feelings.

If you’ve been suppressing your needs, downplaying your creative talent or struggling to draw necessary boundaries, a flash of anger could take you by surprise. Paired with Lilith’s edge, the eclipse could push you to confront those unspoken frustrations and advocate for yourself with newfound strength. It’s a moment to assert your independence and reclaim your personal power, even if it feels uncomfortable.

Not that you’re a stranger to that now, Libra! Since July 2023—the very beginning of this Aries-Libra eclipse cycle—you’ve been challenged to revisit your people-pleasing tendencies. Over the next six months, you’ll continue to work on advocating for your needs, ensuring that your own goals aren’t playing second fiddle to the needs of others. This is a pivotal time for personal growth and self-awareness—embrace the opportunity to step into your true power and institute a more just energetic exchange. October 2 is the very last Libra eclipse in this series, which wraps up in March 2025 with a final Aries solar eclipse.

Now that you’ve gathered so much wisdom from experience, take a beat to reflect. On October 9, Jupiter begins its retrograde in Gemini and your expansive ninth house. Ever since Jupiter entered this part of your chart on May 25, you’ve been drinking from a metaphoric hose, saying “yes” to everything that tickled your curiosity. It’s been exciting but exhausting! 

As Jupiter commences its four-month retrograde through February 4, 2025, you’re invited to slow down and reassess your path. Don’t be surprised if existing deal negotiations or collaborations fall through or get pushed out until next year. Jupiter’s four-month retrograde offers you a chance to more intentionally reflect on your long-term goals. Does the current growth trajectory and opportunity set align with your personal truth? 

Since the ninth house rules travel and higher learning, you may feel called to revisit set-aside intellectual pursuits or favorite travel destinations. Jupiter’s reversal is an ideal time to pick up an old writing project or journey back to a spiritual place that opened up your mind. Some Libras could be having second thoughts about their existing religious or belief systems in light of the current geo-political landscape. For entrepreneurs, consider Jupiter’s retrograde an opportunity to make a new vision board. Who says you have to wait until 2025 to begin thinking about next steps for your passionate pursuits? Your “personal new year” starts now!

Shortly after Jupiter’s reversal, Pluto ends its five-month retrograde, on October 11, bringing much-needed clarity and momentum to your domestic fourth house. Since March 2023, Pluto has been moving between Aquarius and Capricorn, stirring up transformations around your family dynamics and self-expression. 

This is a significant moment since Pluto is also wrapping up its 16-year journey through Capricorn. Since September 1, you’ve been plunged into deep introspection around how your upbringing influences your emotional security. You could be ready to let go of old family traditions, address deep-seated emotions or finally take the commitment plunge with a partner. 

All this intense pondering about your inner circle will dovetail right into the Aries full supermoon on October 17. La luna lights up your seventh house of relationships, bringing matters of balance and trust into sharp focus. Full moons reflect moments of culmination, and this supermoon could mark a turning point in a close relationship, personal or professional. Look back to the Aries solar (new moon) eclipse on April 8 for clues about what’s coming full circle now. 

While it might feel challenging to advocate for your needs, this full supermoon features a loose grand cardinal cross involving the Sun, moon, Mars and Pluto, which gives you extra firepower. Full moons can bring emotions to the surface, and this supermoon may encourage you to solidify a bond, set firm boundaries or finally pull the plug on a Ross and Rachel “we were on a break” type of situation. (We can’t believe the 30-year anniversary of Friends is already here!)

Libra may be the sign of peace, love and harmony, but when you sense injustice, you can see red. Your legendary patience could evaporate on October 2class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” 2, when the passionate Sun locks into a heated square with manipulative Pluto in your home and family sector, ramping up the conflict and tension. 

Those ties that bind could feel downright suffocating today. Is a close person trying to manipulate you by tugging on your heartstrings? Hold your ground in the face of emotional blackmail and don’t take the codependent bait. You may need to assert yourself in a way that feels unusually forceful. It’s not always comfortable to individuate from your family or support circle. Libras as a rule dislike conflict, but the Sun-Pluto square demands that you step up and voice your needs powerfully.

The Sun shifts into Scorpio later that day (October 22), moving your focus to your stabilizing second house for the next four weeks. After a somewhat impulsive Libra season, Scorpio season is a time to get practical, reassess your income streams and figure out how to build more security in your life. Is it time to ask for a raise or readjust your budget? Rethink how you invest your time and energy now.

Since the second house rules your daily routines and personal stability, the supportive Mars-Neptune trine on October 28 can help harmonize your dreamy future plans with your existing responsibilities. Neptune’s sensitive influence softens Mars’ drive, encouraging you to take a more intuitive and compassionate approach to both work and self-care. With the cosmic spotlight on your work-life balance, infuse more mindful practices into your routines. Even a midday 15-minute meditation can help keep the anxiety at bay! What obligations can be dissolved from your schedule to make room for more self-care and professional priorities that will actually pay off?

Halloween this year features a balsamic Scorpio moon that can help you release any lingering financial anxiety and codependency that might be inadvertently burning you out. Just like shedding an old costume, it’s time to let go of what’s no longer serving you and step into a more empowered version of yourself. Whether it’s through a candlelit ritual or simply reflecting on your goals, this is the perfect night to clear out financial “ghosts” and invite prosperity into your life. Release old fears and trust that you’re building a strong foundation for the future.

With the bold Sun in Libra until October 22 (accompanied by curious Mercury through October 13), your love story is stoking some serious flames this month. What makes YOU feel happy and satisfied? Focus there and only there—especially with the powerful Libra new moon and annular solar eclipse on October 2 putting the spotlight on your desires. Intentions planted at this “personal new year” invite a fortunate six-month cycle around self and relationships. 

Venus begins the month in Scorpio and your stabilizing second house, staying through October 17. Security is sexy, especially when it’s balanced by the affection, luxury and sensual delights in this posh sector. While it might be hard to tear yourself away from work, a few haute or high-end date nights will put your Libra soul right. 

Shortly after the new moon, Venus forms a harmonious 120-degree trine to pragmatic Saturn (currently moving through your sixth house of responsibilities) on October 4. Since your second house rules finances, coupled Libras could be having serious conversations around long-term money goals. Consider initiating those home purchase talks with the Federal Reserve recently cutting interest rates. Bonus: As motivated Mars heats up domestic Cancer all month long, the urge to nest is very real.

Harmony and balance (your Libra watchwords) take center stage on October 17, when the year’s only Aries full super moon beams into your seventh house of relationships. A key partnership comes under the microscope now. Do things feel mutual between you? Since full moons can bring turning points, you might decide to make things official—or call the whole thing off. (Can we expect major headlines from fellow Libra Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift? The supermoon will tell!)

Put yourself out there, front and center, Libra! This is one of the hottest months of 2024 to make your grand debut. Not only are Mercury and the Sun in YOUR sign (until October 13 and 22, respectively) but the month opens with a powerful Libra new moon and annular solar eclipse on October 2. Your “personal new year” kicks off with a bang, ushering in a fortunate six-month cycle for any goals or initiatives. All eyes on fellow Libra and Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris…

Don’t be surprised if you draw attention for your trailblazing ideas—or maybe just do so intentionally. No need to apologize for tooting your own horn. If your ideas are great and can change people’s lives, why wouldn’t you want the world to know about them? Highlight October 4 and 8 in your calendar for matcha latte networking sessions or pickleball meetings. Social Venus makes a favorable 120-degree trine to mature Saturn and mojo-booster Mars that weekend. Go ahead and mix business with pleasure!

On October 9, fortuitous Jupiter turns retrograde (backward) in Gemini and your entrepreneurial ninth house, slowing the pace of any kind of recent growth or headway. Jupiter is retrograde until February 4, 2025, offering a four-month period of reflection on grand schemes that had been brewing since May 25, when bountiful Jupiter first activated this risk-taking zone. 

Retrogrades turn our attention to the past. Whether it’s revisiting an old publishing project, blog idea or course of study you were once passionate about (since the ninth house rules media and knowledge), use this period to refine your plans to better set yourself up for success.

A key partnership could get stronger when the Aries full moon ignites your seventh house of social contracts on October 17. You could ink a deal or team up with a complementary collaborator for an even bigger win. Conversely, if an existing business arrangement has felt woefully unbalanced at your expense, it’s an opportunity to tip the scales in your favor or walk away from the relationship to pursue more aligned contracts. Look back to the Aries new moon and solar eclipse on April 8 to see what could manifest now as this six-month cycle arrives at a meaningful inflection point.

Love Days: 12, 16

Money Days:22, 4

Luck Days: 20, 2

Off Days: 26, 18

See All Signs

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