Monday, September 16, 2024

From Aries to Pisces; Weekly Horoscope Predictions from August 25 to September 1 for all zodiacs – Times of India

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At the beginning of the week, you have complete vision of your guru and Ketu. Good ideas will arise. You will get the blessings of the Guru. Spouse may suffer health. A feeling of jealousy will manifest. There may be mental restlessness and annoyance. Sentimentality and spontaneous anger may occur. You will get pleasure from the sweetness of speech.There will be victory in logic and debate. The fruits of labor will be less. Hard work will be needed for great success. The economic situation will be mixed. There may be wasteful expenses. Rheumatism, abdominal pain and high blood pressure may occur. Young children may be stressed. Avoid legal issues. Relationships with older siblings and fathers can be negatively affected. Short term investment will benefit. You will get immense happiness from anything.
The edge of experience will be sharpened and there will be benefit from the support of seniors. Be cautious about respect. Think, don’t worry. not proud. Saying this to him will only make things worse. There can be obstacles in fulfillment of ambitions. Later you will get auspicious results. A little effort will help. It is possible to get a beneficial opportunity. You will get the best results. Economic situation will be felt. Risk will benefit. Imagination will increase. Be cautious of the opposite sex. Any opponent and enemy of your decision will also respect.
The complete vision of Guru and Ketu is on your zodiac sign. So mental strength will increase and health will also be unreliable. Meaning the flow of expenditure can lead to fine folds on the muscle. Pleasant pleasure will be found. Be cautious in economic transactions. Any dispute will be settled. Enemies will be defeated. Avoid gain by shortcut otherwise loss may occur. Talk will be done with courage. Corrupted relations can improve with the old lover. An essential contract may cause discomfort. Commentary commentary on every issue can cause controversy. Negative thinking will yield the opposite fruit. Interest in mystery and esoteric literature will be generated. Problems will be eradicated. Foreign relations will benefit. The mother may suffer.
Today your confidence will increase. Avoid exaggerating small sufferings. Good news will be received regarding brother. Be careful in relation to parents. Avoid rude behavior from them. There is a possibility of promotion. Relocation or change of occupation is also possible. Beware of those who speak more sweetly, otherwise any intrigue is possible. There will be a decrease in financial stability. The speed of work will decrease. There may be pain in the back of the body. Ego can cause harm. The nature of higher officials can be confusing. Happiness will come in the weekend. Spiritual thoughts will arise. There will be no restlessness this week from Girl Friend or Boy Friend. His dramatic behavior may cause suffocation.
Ambitions will be fulfilled. Help from friends Any deal in the stock market will be a cause of profit. There will be abundant benefits from labor. It is a time of love and love. Income will increase. Internal capacity will increase and encouragement will increase. The boss will get full support. There may be confusion with ideological differences in the middle of the week. The path to a new business will be found. It would be painful to see the sufferings of someone close. Spouse’s health will be soft. Unknowingly saying something in a chat group will tear apart. Stopped work will be done. Physical strength will increase. Self-respect will be strong. Even in the family, the desire to live a life like ascetic and yogis will prevail.
The spirit of virtue will prevail. Will make enemies mind with their affection. This week, the feeling of victory over yourself and not others will be revealed. Investment will make a profit. High-profile friends will benefit. There will be support from the authorities. Respiratory and abdominal disorders are possible. Week will not give auspicious results for mother, but people associated with nanihal will benefit from your fortune. There will be a way to fulfill the aspiration. Pleasure will be attained. There will be peace and harmony in the family. Efforts will be successful after a minor disruption. Self-confidence will increase. There will be an increase in intellectual strength. Behind your back you will suffer from blasphemy. Silence will bring joy There will be a lot of work.
Highly-placed people will be blessed. Will be honored. Life will be pleasant and favorable. A small increase in income is possible with little effort. Will be able to deal with adversity. Internal capacity will develop. Promotion is possible. Life will be attracted towards high values and good philosophy. The cost will increase but there will be no major difference on the pocket. Businessmen will get a new opportunity. There will be an opportunity for virtual association of knowledgeable people. Spiritual interest will develop. Long-term investment will benefit. There may be pain in one part of the head. You will get immense support from anyone. A feeling of compassion and compassion will arise for the weak animals.
Internal qualities will improve. Sudden loss can be both profit and loss. You will benefit if you work with discretion. Loss in earnings can lead to stress. Soft-hot health will be confused. Basic ideas will benefit. Be cautious about reputation. Children will get happiness. There may be stiffness in the shoulder and neck. Will be happy with sister’s happiness. Happiness will come from any opposite sex. There will be unnecessary fear from secret powers. Will be interested in esoteric genres. Victory in conflict. The boss will get both reprimand and appreciation. Do not risk You may be stressed by someone else’s stupidity. The senior person’s blessings will benefit. The effect will increase. There will be profit in new investment. Financial support will be available. An old friend will work. The new relationship will benefit.
The complete sight of Venus and Rahu is on your zodiac sign. Joy will increase. Courage and strength will increase. Interest in scriptures will increase. There is a possibility of editing religious works. Will benefit from the resolution. You will get pleasure from the happiness of brothers. Honor from the government will pave the way. Writing will get an edge. Will be frugal. Somatic debility is possible. You will get praise and respect. Will increase confidence. The social circle will increase. Marital life is mixed. Keep in mind, arguing with your spouse will not yield anything. You will benefit from the hard work of colleagues. Thorough thinking is important before making any decision. Wrong steps can cause harm. Expenses may increase. There will be stress in career or business in the weekend. Relatives can be meaningless without meaning. There will be economic benefit in futures trading.
Your wish will be fulfilled this week. Reputation can be disturbing. Expenses will increase and busyness can lead to fatigue. Higher officials will be supported. The temperament of nature will affect success. Opponents will be defeated. There may be a decrease in love pleasure. Take care of your health A person may suffer from pain or death. Sour-sweet love of family can cause both happiness and trouble. There will be joy from the conduct of children. Any bad thing will happen. Your thoughts will get respect. Kirti will spread. There is a possibility of sexual distress. Sweet speech will benefit. There may be pain in the ears. There will be new opportunities in career. Will make contact with ex boyfriend / girlfriend. Pet animals suffer. Transient charge damage.
Reputation will improve Direct sight of Sun on your zodiac sign will create tension. You will get the blessings of senior people. Any ancient investment will benefit. Will be supported by any political person. The father may be stressed. Take care of your health Speaking less will make the talk. The attraction of spouse will increase. Stress may occur from opposite sexes. Internal happiness may decrease. Interest in spirituality will be generated. Encouragement will increase. The wrong decision will render the loss. There may be joint discomfort. Control your emotions. Do not try to lose respect for someone else, otherwise the bet will be reversed. The sweet conduct of an opponent can cause discomfort. Carelessness of colleagues can cause stress. You will feel lack of funds. Economic losses may occur.
Your social impact will increase. Speak of haste will spoil. Mental stress can be created. Take care of reputation. Differences in family may be confused with differences. Pleasure will increase, but mental anguish will also be found. The expenditure will increase. Old partners will not work. Will take courage. The decision taken by someone’s advice can cause trouble. Losses in quick profit ventures can occur. There will be an increase in libido. Trickery can cause damage. There will be a decrease in earnings. Women may suffer from irregular menstruation. Do not get entangled with neighbors. Be alert to the safety of your goods. There will be positive results in investment. Accidental loss can lead to confusion. Stay alert to health.
This article is written by Astrologer Ashutosh Clairvoyant.

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