As the Maha Kumbh Mela got underway on Monday, Uttar Pradesh’s Director General of Police, Prashant Kumar, spotlighted a harmonious blend of traditional faith and modern technology in this year’s festival. Drones and CCTV are being deployed for enhanced security, ensuring a seamless experience for millions of attendees.
Speaking with ANI, DGP Kumar emphasized the preparations, noting expanded ghats and an advanced crowd management system that aim to make this year’s gathering both spiritual and safe. ‘Nearly 60 lakh pilgrims have taken the holy dip,’ said Kumar, underscoring the use of cutting-edge technology alongside traditional policing to improve security measures.
The state’s police force has introduced a floating chowki to assist devotees, while the Traffic Police have implemented comprehensive strategies to facilitate smooth travel within the bustling area. Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the event, highlighting its significance in celebrating Indian cultural and spiritual values.
(With inputs from agencies.)