Thursday, September 19, 2024

6 most dangerous countries for women in 2024

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While some countries are recognised for their safety and peaceful environments, others remain perilous, especially for women. The factors contributing to unsafe conditions in these countries often include high levels of violence, gender discrimination, and poor access to healthcare and legal protection. Here are six of the most dangerous countries for women in 2024:

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South Africa

South Africa is consistently ranked as one of the most dangerous countries for women. The country struggles with high levels of gender-based violence, with street safety being a major concern. According to the World Population Review, only 25% of women in South Africa feel safe walking alone. Sexual violence, harassment, and the threat of human trafficking are rampant, making it a hazardous place for female travelers, especially those traveling alone.


India remains one of the most dangerous countries for women in Asia. Despite its rich cultural heritage and diverse landscapes, India is notorious for its high rates of sexual violence and harassment. The country continues to grapple with human trafficking, including forced labor and much more. Reports of violence against women are frequent, and the legal system often struggles to provide adequate protection or justice. This ongoing issue has made India a place where women need to exercise extreme caution.
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Afghanistan’s situation for women has been dire, particularly after the Taliban’s return to power. Women in Afghanistan face severe restrictions on their freedom, access to healthcare, and economic resources. Reports of non-sexual violence, including domestic abuse, are widespread. The ongoing conflict and political instability further exacerbate the risks for women, making Afghanistan one of the most dangerous places for them in the world.


In Somalia, women’s rights and safety are severely compromised due to ongoing conflict and cultural practices. Access to healthcare and economic resources is extremely limited, and women are at high risk of harmful traditional practices, including female genital mutilation. The lack of legal protection and the prevalence of gender-based violence make Somalia an unsafe environment for women.

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Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

The Democratic Republic of Congo is often referred to as one of the most dangerous places for women due to widespread sexual violence. The country has been marred by decades of conflict, resulting in lawlessness and factional violence. Women in the DRC face horrific conditions, including rape as a weapon of war and severe discrimination, making it one of the most perilous countries for females.


Yemen, ravaged by years of civil war and humanitarian crises, ranks poorly in terms of women’s safety. Women in Yemen suffer from limited access to healthcare, economic resources, and protection from violence. The country’s deep-rooted cultural practices and ongoing conflict have created an environment where women’s rights are severely restricted, making Yemen a highly dangerous place for women.

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